Improve Your Memory

Do you struggle with the symptoms of memory loss?

If you are beginning to notice the signs of brain fog, forgetfulness, declining cognitive function, mixing up your words, asking the same questions repeatedly or taking longer to perform normal tasks, these are all signs and symptoms of memory loss. These are early warning signs of abnormal brainwave function that are often associated with the inability to process information optimally. If left untreated, this can lead to dementia.

Optimal Brain and Body

Memory Loss is Not One Dimensional

Many complex factors contribute to declining memory, including brainwave imbalance. BrainCore neurofeedback can help to restore brainwave balance.


What Can I Do?

When your memory begins to decline it is important to help the brain. The most immediate and effective way shown to clinically improve brain function is with the use of neurofeedback.

What is Happening?

Your brain function is regulated by brainwaves that interact and communicate with your neurotransmitters over 100 trillion neurons. Brain function may decrease if there is an imbalance in your brainwaves, leading to an acceleration of the symptoms associated with memory loss.

Optimal Brain and Body
Optimal Brain and Body

How Can Neurofeedback Help My Memory?

Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to create new neural pathways. This puts you in the driver’s seat of reclaiming and optimizing your health. Your brain is not hard-wired, it is not limited or fixed in it’s abilities to heal. When the imbalance is removed and brainwaves are regulated, cognitive function improves. The result is an improved ability to remember.