Home Training Available
Brain Training & Mapping
A Brain Map Detects Brainwave Patterns.
Brain Training Helps to Regulate Those Brainwave Patterns.
A Regulated Brainwave Pattern Helps You Live an More Optimal Life.
QEEG Brain Mapping
A QEEG brain map is painless and non-invasive. Wearing a hat similar to a swim cap, you will be instructed to sit quietly and still with your eyes closed for 6 minutes and then again with your eyes open.
Nothing is being done to you; we are strictly monitoring brainwave activity. The length of the test can vary but is typically 15-20 minutes long from start to finish.
The Report of Findings visit is where you come in to discuss the results of your brain mapping. It is important to remember that we do not diagnose symptoms or conditions.
Our technology simply lets us see if there is a dysregulated brainwave pattern present and gives us insight has to what protocol to use to get your brain functioning to its best ability.
Neurofeedback Therapy
This is the fun part! You sit and watch a TV show or movie for 30 minutes, and we train your brain to function better.
You'll be hooked up to non-invasive surface sensors that will be monitoring your brainwave activity and receiving a reward based on positive performance. Over the course of several sessions, you will begin to notice improvements.
Food Sensitivity Testing
Health can be improved and maintained by knowing how food plays a role in your body. Food sensitivity testing can help determine which foods and other substances may trigger unwanted inflammation. Symptoms such as migraines, aching joints, fatigue, gastrointestinal, respiratory, skin, neurological, cognitive impairment and numerous other disorders, have been linked to food sensitivity and chronic inflammation.